Search Results

Search results 1-14 of 14.

  • ive never asked some1 of you guys to do something for me... and for sure i will never do ive made my point clear and im waiting for a decision now
  • didnt mean u
  • so you make the clans responsible for what happened?why does nobody makes the clans responsible for the fact that the server is still online? freelancers... whenever they were involved? they always had the decision to stay out of everything and they never had the right to use clan owned systems... they only had permissions
  • deadline: wednesday (tomorrow) 4pm CET (2pm GMT)
  • well guyschaos has declared war on BG again... i hoped that this wouldnt happen again after all ive done lately but it did happen the fact that most chaos were not willing to help this community by making a simple decision showed that those guys didnt care about this community... they only see their small unimportant clanthey only see their advantage unlike the other clans here well like some ppl already said... this is not the chaos we once knew anymore... personally i think the influence of n…
  • how can you know about what i know and what not???? tell me (Quote) the way i see it the DC clan is and always was loyal to CF and chaos once asked them to leave this server... they refusedbut hey you said that you can prove this... so do it... we are waiting (Quote) the server would be offline now... and thats a fact no matter what you say or thinkand Chaos never was able to beat any1... they were not able to beat BG, they were not able to beat DC and they were not able to beat PiAnot here on …
  • lol @ marc - good point hey have doubts about my skill in SL? come and fight me WP are cheaters... for 2 years now ppl came to this forum... ex-WPs, GTFs, MoDs, UNGs and even ppl which are still in WP and those ppl we KNOW that WP are cheaterswe all remember WP_Neo and what he has done on the zone... we all remember how WP_Jaguar got caught cheating (if im remember right by UNG) and we also remember how WP_Slavik got caught cheating on the zone by 2 GTFs (and slavik didnt even deny …
  • @RGHawkyes ur right... now that their plan didnt work they try it this way posting this shit to get BG and DC against each other well im glad that he posted those logs... coz besides what he wanted to show us with those logs they even show many very interesting things - like the try to steal members and other things i will explain below (ive just marked the things that were important for me when i read the logs)about DC wanting to leave CF... well i leave it to DC to comment this (Quote) that s…
  • dragon nobody here wants you or other DCs to go you guys are our friends and no stupid troublemaker posting to this forum will change thisive tried you as much i was able to... ive even tried to prevent some of ur members to leave the clan (mainly successfully) you are welcome like all others which want a future for us all... and this future will be gloriousDragon... you are DCs leader... you lead and they will have to follow... show ur members the direction to the future
  • marc - that was a group ... thats why there are so many names
  • vlad posted that ive deleted his chars... but this is not true all his chars are still on the server ... untouched... the only thing why he cant see them is coz he has a new MP-ID... which is not my problem if ppl cant write their IDs down Vlad created new chars... as being a member of chaos and the fact that chaos got banned from this server his new char is also banned AOD - with being a member of chaos and not using a clantag you are violating serverrules and therefore i have no other choice …
  • chaos has done major shit... which nearly destroyed this communitythe proofs are the threads of the last 4 weeks here on the forummore proofs are available but not needed <hr> today i got this message (Quote)
  • (Quote)
  • Future of CF

    pssst look at the name againthats not rghawk