Search Results

Search results 1-15 of 15.

  • For the record: I wasn't informed on the plans of a war; not by OP, not by grinder, not by another member. I have been online since sunday enough for them to relay it to me (I wasn't present at the meeting).
  • Ehhh Jib....... I hired the DC clan for 350 mil till the end of Sunday evening 23:59. Talked with Shadow about it, and they accepted it.The DC clan are mercs now, which means that they can be hired. You could have done so yourself, so don't get angry about it. The contract was that they should destroy every Chaos that comes within 8k of hawaii. Even if you revoke the warzone, this doesn't mean that they can drop their side of the contract. Sorry Chaos, but if you gets within 8k of hawaii in the…
  • (Quote)Wavey: we need proof. If you have the shots, bring them here. Otherwise don't even mention things like that.
  • As co-leader of the Bloodguard Clan I want to assure every party in this conflict that starting a clanwar for no good reason at all (and yes, that judgement is in our eyes, no matter if the party involved thinks it has a good reason), the entire Bloodguard clan will fight alongside of the clan who was wrongfully accused and under attack. This is not a threat, just plain and simple facts. Finally, on the side: Wavey stop posting in this thread.
  • (Quote) Talk to the hand
  • (Quote)Talk to the hand jib. I kicked Pan for abusive language. Haven't touched your account (yet).Yes I have screenshots of you, and yes, they are all way over the line of acceptable. All going to be filed at the serveradmin who should take action.
  • Talk to the hand jib.
  • (Quote) Jib is no longer a valid partner in conversation.Like he said himself in the systemchannel of Sigma 19 a week/two weeks ago: He is not gonna talk to me anymore. Fine, if he wants to act as juvenile as he is doing at this moment (for the record: this is not only my own observation, or the observation of just the BG, it goes way beyond that), then he will be treated in that way, turning him into a non-party to deal with. I don't care what Jib tries to uncover or drag from beneath rocks th…
  • (Quote) Too bad i didn't wanted to play with your game, is it?1 on 1, or 2 vs 1, fine with me. But 3 vs 1? Are you that desperate?
  • Jib, you are warmonger, since you in the name of Chaos declared war against the BG.
  • (Quote) Cross quote: [IMG]…glycerine/declaration.jpg[/IM G]
  • (Quote) Shall i lay it out for you pancake? [Chaos]Jibber: BG will not attack Chaos in X or any other system, or it will be war Meaning that he threatens the BG to keep away from the Chaos, or it will be war.The comments i have on this are:1. Childish since Jib wants to deny another legitimate serverclan, the BG, their rights to play the role playing game. Rights he is denying DC, also a legitimate serverclan. He believes that Chaos is the only serverclan who can follow the rules of the role pl…
  • (Quote)Jib, a warning? That was a threat. You don't want the war? Too bad, you declared it yourself.
  • Too bad Jib, you already did by your warning or threat.
  • (Quote) Nitr0x, given the role playing game-side Chaos choose, they are a legitimate target to law enforcers (military & police, hence the BG). When Blackbeard sailed the seas and a military galleon came in reach of his ship, the military galleon would attack the pirate. Same as Blackbeard would attack a freighter to gain supplies and treassures.Same as it was during the 16 and 17th century (i believe that was the golden age of the real-life pirate) it is also on the CF server. Chaos (pirates) …