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  • Hi, i just finished the original campaign (level 17) and just started the CF Missions. My ship is a Werewolf with a mix of Gendaito and DIAMONDBACK Guns. What should my shopping priorities be like now, i've got 24m Credits a) Get a better Shipb) Buy equipment like Shield Upgrade MK X or Power Generator MK Vc) Find Better Guns i have no idea and don't want to waste my precious credits..
  • Thanks a lot! I just bought Adv. Brigandine H. F. Shield MK II, Shield Upgrade MK X and Power Generator MK V and it helped a lot. Now i keep my eyes open for a new ship. I'm just at Planet Crete (Omicron Gamma) and they sell two VHF: Griffin and Titan. On the paper they both look very similar, but Griffin is 8M Credits while Titan is just 800k, even though titan got much more Shield (12k vs 9k). Why is Titan so cheap, it looks so much stronger than my Werewolf? i