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  • My name is Brian - aka Synaptic Flow in my electronic music making and DJ life. I'm a new member as of today and wanted to say hello. I'm a lifelong shmup fan and have playing them for years. I enjoy various other types of videogames, but anything involving a spaceshipjust always felt like what videogames were meant for. Until recently, I hadn't played a space simulator type game in ages. I can't put my finger on the exact year but I want to say somewhere the mid 90s. I remember buying a red an…
  • Thank you all! I absolutely plan to read, learn, and then take on the single player campaign of the game. After that I will try my hand at multi-player. From these forums and other sites, I have learned that people call an un-modded version of a game "vanilla" Imagine that. Ha ha.I have seen recommendations that a first timer start with Vanilla. I may in fact go that route. If nothing else, it will help me fully appreciate thegreat deal of changes and work that has been put in by the modders. p…