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  • I see why they ditched offline mode, and I hope the rest of them do too, since I think the final product, that is the final release of the game is going to be more then amazing. I've had a chance to play Beta more then a couple of times at my friends place and the game is absolutely stunning. I wish my ye'old laptop will be ready for it since I am planning on playing it once it comes out (3 days before the end of the first semester for me)
  • I am hoping it doesn't end up with the project dying after the community backs out. I still hope there's a slight chance that the offline mode will be introduced. Just check on how SimCity launched. I know Frontier is much better then EA, so I am hoping it won't come to that. Oh, and excuse my poor knowledge of the whole situation since I am not really following it that much. I know my money went to a good cause by supporting the game.
  • After reading what you people posted, I think they have made a false promise but, nothing one can't pass over. I'm pretty sure 95% of the people that actually funded/bought the game have constant internet connections, so the 5% that can't play it whenever they want are probably the only people that need to be catered to. But still, my hope for the future is a fully-offline mode, which I think BD/Frontier will eventually put up for the people to claim. Don't get me wrong, I'm no "fanboy" of some …