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  • OK i think u heard or saw them yourself but just to make sure they are all listed and for the others who saw them too: 1) Selling DVD at planet CF caused cheat kick. 2) BS turret view buggered, view seems to start from inside of ship. Gonna be very difficult to fight these babies without working turret view (...maybe by use of a "tug boat" partner to push u around, lol). 3) BS very difficult to Moor, took 5 tries at Malta (had to F1 out twice cause it was stuck in cut scene, not lag induced). W…
  • I forgot one, found while i was registering the first-ever kill of a BG battleship (.... first of many lol) : It is possible to fly right through a BS as if ur ship is a "ghost" that can walk thru walls (as u travel through the ship, u get a mometary view from inside it). It seems u must be traveling fast using thrust aiming straight towards the enter of the BS at a close to 90 degree angle. Oblique angles or slow speed seem to make u bounce off normally. This could be an old FL bug since i rec…