Search Results

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  • So I just made my first venture into the Coalition space. Which, btw, that dimensional rift is legitimately intimidating, thanks to its sheer size. At any rate, I didn't check it out, as I wanted to get in and out of Coalition Space (was getting some items), and was being chased by what might have been a dozen nomad ships(!!!), but I noticed there was a nomad outpost... that was neutral to me. What. Could I dock in it? What happens there? What in blazes? I'm just imagining getting chased by Nom…
  • A special station for the GRs? Well the, that makes... sense? I think? And thanks. Now I want that Ragnarok too...
  • I noticed the Yggdrassil earlier while looking at battleships to get. You are a horrible, horrible man, Michael, going through such lovely descriptions yet forbidding their purchase.