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  • 1. as it was said... this is no PVP server 2. it is a RP server3. to say "Create opportunities for rp" is idiot if every try to create RP is being killed by certain ppl which violate RP rulesThe way I see it the RP does not even get a chance because of the people which "just want to fight"4. sitting in X or arena is no RP... it is camping... so please dont say anything about honor... honor is something different5. RP does only work if the other RP factions get the equal chance to do their RP... …
  • you really expect an answer?seriously there are more complaints against certain ppl than it would be good for them I dont really understand whats going on in some ppl mind.Look at the server population... it is dropping.It does not do that because the mod is bad... the discovery server does not have more players because they have a better server or a better mod.They have more players coz they have working RP and not ppl which constantly destroy other ppl fun by disturbing other RP types.
  • If its necessary bans will be done.It makes no sense to keep a few ppl on the server while they distrurb the experience of all others.