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  • I told you tax 2m, and give request, waiting 10 sec u ignore me and i kill you. If you don't look my request or was in chat that's really "your problem" :)))And i can't understrand why almost every cop after getting some deaths going to writing about it in forum?><Let's doing fighting!!:))We like pilots who take our attacks with honor:))We're playing not just for the sake of talking, or trade and play. We play for the sake of fighting, fighting and other things.I do not want to point fingers at …
  • I understand everything. However, I see that the server is a tendency for pilots to lose interest in PvP. It's very sad. Because in my humble opinion, our server was always full of battles and hard core PvP's.Then I want to ask people to avoid places of mass struggles. In order to avoid unpleasant situations that can happen to them.So as a person who is on the site of the battle and is not involved in it, prevents other. This also applies to the pilots who switch to BS because of the failure of …
  • Create opportunities for rp. Last time I only see forum fighters who scream that bad but they do not appear on the server.Come increasingly into play, organize caravans, or open the hunt for our heads.Need to add variety to the gamePS I came to the conclusion that some pirates, including me, need to go to the police, because these cops basically unable to keep fighting against the pirates, without shouting about the fact that they unfairly killed or something.
  • So, how I understand I was banned from this server?:)