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  • Hi Gregorii, good idea, I remembered there was a starting guide, but after searching a bit I made sure it was just a CFPD's starting guide for new members, not for Crossfire itself. So far, for new Freelancers, there are several places in the portal not accessable like a chatting bar, but in-space you can do anything that is not breaking (neither "nearly" breaking) the server rules, a full version of them being here: The big red board in front…
  • Yes, I think so, since ever, no clan rule can affect people under level 40 with no clan tag, the same as those outside of RP. They are free to enter and explore any system and buy anything that they can, with their money. Notice the "no clan tag" part, a LP with a level 18 char would be out of the newbie protection. Untagged chars with money in the bank are noticed for not being in the newbie protection by their name, or in the moment they withdraw money inside a clan system to buy a ship or so…
  • That is cool then, it would be usseful to announce it But still, the players outside RP, under level 40, are still unaffected by any clan rule. So that is why I see correct that in the "newbie guide" the first thing told is to chat and take the Custodian route, where the Red Eagle is a nice buy, even though there is another system with the Red Eagle.
  • Gregorii: Alright, at Kalisie's request and since BG came back, the Red/Black Eagle from Custodian is no longer free for every new player to buy in their first run to X 3043, so if you want to get past it, you better avoid the NPCs in there as they are level 10, and make a run for it for another open system. The way to X-3043 is harder though, which is actually filled with ASF vs CSF NPC battles, and they with the flak cannons (if there is no one else in the system) they will instantly kill any…