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  • If I recall, Freelancer has always had problems working with laptop onboard graphics cards, especially if your video card settings have Vsync enabled by default. Try turning off your vsync in the video card settings.
  • Well I figured since I had a similar problem on a laptop while playing TES Skyrim, with vsync turned on the game would blink and flash alot, then crash, but with it off, it worked fine with no crashes. I cant say the same will happen with CF but figured it was worth looking into. Also if you installed CF with the advanced shaders active, mobile graphics cards hate that and tend to freak out. So maybe disabling that(Not sure if you can disable without reinstall or not) might help.
  • Yeah that deffinately looks like a video card incompatibality issue. So you might have to reinstall and set everything to their loweest options, and turn on compatability mode. Also it might not help much in the grand scheme of things, but if you can find updated drivers for your video card, that might also help.