Search Results

Search results 1-2 of 2.

  • Yeah, he's a pro... the interesting thing is that he has the same name as the Founder, CEO of Raw Jam informatic group, and by what I remember from the founder of "DELL" maker of Dell laptops and such O.o "Ben Dell" aka "Benjamin Dell" BTW Riebens, I got you few more than a vote, now you are top 132, with 10 total votes
  • It's a link exactly to where to vote for him, in the full list. It probably asks for a login to vote, from Facebook or others, but the link is correct, just checked it again Anyway, last time (at my last post here), the leading one was a woman with ~500 votes, now it's a man with ~7000 votes... neither making all of my Facebook contacts vote here (which is anyway impossible) wouldn't work, just a bit over 1000.