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  • "Farming" dilithium is a topic which I can not fully describe as it is dependent on the players rank and the progress that he made. However... earning 8.000 dilithium is not that hard.There are missions which offer high payouts and there are missions which offer medium payouts in a short time. Methods (incomplete): 1. There is a mission to repair satellites at the Trealus system of the Eta Eridiani sector block.about 500 dilithium reward (daily) and the mission is pretty simple and fast (5mins)…
  • oh i just remember a few other methods At the star fleet academy there is this round building and at the other side of the entrance is a npc which offers historical lesson quests.Each day 2 quests are offered, accept them both.Now access the library computer next to that npc and you successfully have done the first quest (easy).At the side of the room are 3 consoles where you have to answer a question... you get asked about an event that happened... something like "in year 2409 book 25 chapter …
  • Here is a list of missions and assignments where you can earn dilithium: In Star Trek Online, Dilithium is a major form of currency. Players can use dilithium to purchase various things ranging from new ships when the player reaches a new rank to new weapons (Space and ground), deflectors and shields, and via crafting materials. It is a time-based currency in that it is obtained from certain missions that require time for a player to complete. The currency is given out as dilithium ore, which m…
  • the rich mining licenses are sometimes in lockboxes (rare)you get 6 licenses and if you use them during mining events you can this way 6x5000 dil
  • due to the latest update to season 8 there seems to be a way to earn extreme large amounts of dilithium in a very short timepersonally i think that this wont stay this way forever since with such large dilithium rewards cryptic wouldnt make profit anymore so they will sooner or later release a patch to prevent the following grind so here is how it goes:1. team up with another player (important coz otherwise you cant join the correct instances)2. go to the voth ground battlezone3. switch to an i…
  • yeah... thats probably truei did not thought of that the last rex reward is added to the bonus
  • a few more words about the battlezone 1. you have the chance to get a joint command token per day doing missions for commander arnold... so while you are already threre you can earn this tokeneither u use them on to make progress on the rep system or you trade it for 20 dyson marks and 800 dil 2. every time all vrex are killed you also get 5 voth cybernetic implants... so you infact get many of them with time-> it is possible to trade 3 implants for 1000 dil that also is a very good way to make…
  • but only for the players which do play at the weekends
  • ill be waiting for confirmation before i open lock boxes again
  • as confirmed as exploit i wouldnt use it