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Search results 1-5 of 5.

  • Well this is depressing, as usual i come in just as things are falling apart. With that said, I have been reading and debugging for days now, I happen to have a bare bones LAN CF server running which means if i can do that someone can do it better, so the mod won't die unless the OP really wants it to, like all things on the net. Don't worry I don't have the bandwidth to make anything outside a lan anyways, and i have no interest in cheating or exploits or sharing therein. (i did it so i could …
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) Seems to me the community is divided as it is. Is the intent for this mod to be only for this community, rather then the entire freelancer community? --that might be the problem. There is no question that you made a great product, it seems to be suffering due to continual disagreement causing people to flee or lose interest. Its not your fault about low players in general its kinda of an obscure game at this point, since i'm currently somewhat of an outsider I'll give y…
  • Ok, well at least we are clear on that. I'm just not used to restrictive community mods. I work on all sorts of games other then this, so sorry if i didn't understand. Usually a community will sponser a mod but not restrict it provided you dont claim you did work you didn't, use work without permission, or make money off of either, but thats still your right. I just hope things get better too. My apologies if I offended upset you.
  • Will you let us know what the result will be nearer to the deadline(?), surprises esp bad ones are not great. I hope you keep things going, in case no one else has said it enough THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPER MOD AND COMMUNITY WE APPREICATE YOU!!! I have a few more ideas to get things going more.... for the portal maybe a shoutbox so people can say they are online and where they are flying to/are to meet up with. I don't know anyone here yet, really so i'm a lil timid to just pm a random pers…
  • :edit to above post: oh yeah you have the chatroom feature (shoutbox not necessary), but where is everyone on it? (maybe enable guest access to the chat?)