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  • At least now there are hours of footage, it matters with who you are in love, or just friends, your squad, etc. And there is a real difference between the endings Now, enough wasting the time on ME3, off to ME4 ?
  • It's still an indoctrination... in the same "Destruction" ending, the low EMS one (aka vaporization ending), the wave blows up everything and wipes out all organic life, but then one guy says how hard the fight was and the sacrifices, that guy who was giving the orders in middle of the battle jk, that can also have sense if you try... uhm... like that they want at engine hyperdrive outside of the galaxy's arms and the relay's range, in just few seconds.
  • Well, then don't watch any video and avoid the topic that says "Information-> extended cut", and in my post... it's not really a spoiler, what I said is part of the old cut Except "a guy speaking after it" that gives no info.