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  • Sad News

    Well, no one here, on the forum has bad intentions, so no need to fight for something done by us, it's more than useless, it's negatively damaging the good ones Even if one of us does something wrong in somebody else's eye, you could speak privately and/or nicely. The ones who purposedly damage things won't listen anyway, so don't waste your and other reader's time with them. This is a bad moment for the server because there are no studens/scholars arround, most of the young people are very bus…
  • Sad News

    If you notice I didn't pointed at anyone, neither you Lonewolf You are free to explore as you wish. Just remember where your home is
  • Sad News

    Well Lonewolf, Gunny is on USA's timezone, so practically he starts playing when you leave the server. It's complicated for you to meet, and he keeps seeing how you log off. That's mainly all. You alreayd told you did RP, taxing 20-25 people... but well, the tax ammount is up to you for the earnings.
  • Sad News

    For me, it did. I only seen you when you entered the game at midday (for you) or when I stood until awake until Very late. By when I'm already not capable to do much...
  • Sad News

    Well, that is godd/great news