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Search results 1-12 of 12.

  • what a?.. It's.. it's a official freelancer?... Or I've misunderstood something?..
  • (Quote)I know... I just already started to think that it's some kind of another try. That's why I asked about it. (Quote)Fantastic! o_O Is it using FL original engine at all?.. Or it's completely another game? [SOC]Lonewolf:Hello to you too
  • If the game uses own engine, I can say "Finally!" and looking forward to see it and play. It's really something new
  • Dreamlancer?
  • *Activates long-range scanners* ===Anyway, my old dream on FL was and still is the NPC recruiting\hiring and commanding. Essentially, the creation of the complete faction (with also stations building, may be researching, establishing automatic trade routes between the other factions, patrols etc.)And of course the main military fleets and shipyards (Ah, dreams, dreams ...) This could greatly changes the game in the direction of the strategy, I know... But imagine the scale and spectacle of the …
  • (Quote)may be... I didn't play X2... I can just give you Sins of Solar Empire as an example (very good auto NPC control systems) (Quote)Yes. It could add the dynamic ifluence system of any faction. @SYNKron:Agreed Gathering resourses -> buildng\hiring something -> managing.This is exactly the strategy element. But then we would need havy balance of the faction forses(in order to realistic difficulty of conquering any of the systems and making the ifluence borders not so dinamic (New York under …
  • (Quote)Well.. The clan is the "entire faction" too But conquering the entire universe... that's why I told about balancing of difficulty...
  • I've tried to art many times and still have no skills... And become to the usual game mapper, trigger and plot editor in "what you see - what you get" game interfaces like Serious Editor, Warcraft Editor etc... With no styling (or design, dunno what the correct word for this). So, I can argue with that...
  • I think we need to do some advertising via YouTube and some other resourses (others can use "favorites"). It will improve the chances to find adherents with development skills. At least for a little. I've already posted the message in our forum in russian. Who knows, may be someone will respond.
  • Then what should we do? I mean, those, who haven't such skills to help with development.
  • This is my main problem in recent times - focus on anything at all But ok. As you say
  • Vishnu: "two steps from hell" too?