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  • (Quote) Only being without control (and without some things that could regulate it) But yes, it's unfortunately usual way of the clans with this option available (Quote)I think not. I 've told once in one thread, that the "mechanics" of game, especially good can't be just "stealing the someone's idea". The weel cannot be "a copying from something to this". It's just a progress to more comfortable playing. (Quote) No. I disagree. (Quote) No. But it's losing the the game progress. Ruining the sta…
  • (Quote)No, They can. But it's not as comfortable as it could be. That's what I said. (Quote)Try to wonder, why the clans are still not grow faster as they could. (Quote)1. Actually, the start in CF was not so easy, when I first time came here. Even my experience of playing game (and knowledge of many things from vanilla) not helped me to running low too fast in contrast of slow gaining cash. Some of the people helped me, becouse he saw my tries. So, I was lazy too? Yes, I've not demanded enythi…