Search Results

Search results 1-9 of 9.

  • OP, I do have a topic. Aren't you forgetting about the next meeting ? It was supposed to be 2 weeks later.
  • hmmmm, a problem at using this toolbar is that it never leads you to the Main Portal page (where such announcements are made). I will fix that today... also for the 20+ people using it atm.
  • btw the issue is solved, the main Crossfire logo leads to the portal instead of the "Forum" page
  • I want to eat some "spam". I don't like spamm
  • OP, that was a bad hour by then to check players online Now it's a bit after midday ( a time without many players arround as they have lunch/work, and there are more players online than that.
  • For this week, 14 and half, top 3 server hmmmm.... top 2 has 15 as media, and 1 as 100. It looks bad for all servers O.o ah well, it's exams time for most of us youngsters, from school to university.
  • 22 ppl online or too much PvP and not enough RP or not enough money sources (trading, etc). hmm, well, indeed CF's trade routes are way better than vanilla ones, but the missiles/CDs/mines/torps cost 20-50 times than in vanilla, and you neither have the 200k fines.
  • Vader just tried to keep his breath until CF 2.0 arrives, but he failed
  • Cresthen, of course ther are 5 people by midday in middle of the work days, everyone is at work or at school in Europe and in the American continent are sleeping. The only ones online by the server's morning can be the chinese, russians (or others in Asia) and no lifers (or jobless). And, those who work at a PC And there are not many in these conditions... As I know you don't have some bad intentions to damage things/everything, you shouldn't post the players count in the worst hour possible. L…