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  • something awsome

    That video in spanish, is cool I guess th vomit comes cus of the constantly going down effect, right ? hmm, something awesome... ME !
  • something awsome

    I bet the whole zone smells as tires now
  • something awsome

    lol, I can't jump up on my bike neither 10 cm, and neither jumping down a gap higher than 15 cm. And this guys jumps a meter high, and 10 meters down ? What's for sure you need to go to the gym for this (or another way to make muscles)
  • something awsome

    It starts to sound great, btu complex and hard since 0:55 or arround Super mario ? cool. I got something.
  • something awsome

    Did you notice that the jeep not only climbed all that, it had 2 guys inside, where the passenger was pretty fat. What's awesome is that this thread is not awesome as the title has "awsome" spelled wrong
  • something awsome

    in the previous post, my text was the awesome part hmm, can somebody point me at the "awesome" thread ? I want to post some awesome videos like this:
  • something awsome

    wtf has that of awesome, it's of the first posts I wanted to downrate... but it wouldn't be fair as it wasn't with bad intentions. Nature, well, yea... natural is nothing new so not "awesome"... and I guess it's also natural that assasins come at people and kill them, yea all cool and awesome, earnt a medal and all.
  • something awsome

    lol even if they didn't knew, many players played that game, But the target were Captial ships (to make them spin) and planets (like in Arena)
  • something awsome

    He meant outside Dyson Sphere, at the entrance. Haven't been there in years
  • something awsome

    Funny that the pixel map of the inner core from outside is a mirrored image... if you notice what's in the left side is exactly hte same in the right side, but mirrored. Lack of inspiration for the last 50% ?
  • something awsome

    I didn't knew nomads can like or dislike something O.o And less building something, conting they are just a piece of organic ships, unless they built that dyson sphere with their turret cannons, where, I'm not sure they have them xD I guess Dom'Kavash would love symetry.
  • something awsome

    that is a lower quality and modified (mainly sound and the tag) by Lancers Reactor copy of the real long/extended intro version available in the Bonus DVD at Freelancer, which is this one: 480p, and this game... looks awesome isn't it ? Imagine how they did this, about from 10 to 20 years ago, as the game was announced several years before the real launch in 2003. The coalition getting pounded... actually, in this version they get totally anihilated(the survivor is from Pluto as the narrator sa…
  • something awsome

    Yeah, the fatties don't need to climb anymore, and accidentally make exercise, simply take the jeep and go over the mountain (not related to Gunny himself ).
  • something awsome

    hmmmm Time to download
  • something awsome

    Cousin ? Pretty awesome, indeed
  • something awsome

    you are the... planet ? (by the camera) hell I'm fine with "flying" a planet xD btw, nice shockwave effect at the explosion... Anyway, the ASF and CSF ships are needed for the real ASF and CSF players' usage.
  • something awsome

    [SOC]Lonewolf: It is possible to make that with moons (and even easy) but that was a performance killer, doing so with everything including dockable stations and planets is... even worse. Also, imagine manually running behind a station trying to dock it lol, autopilot would freak up as well.
  • something awsome

  • something awsome

    in 3D
  • something awsome

    It looks like so, yeah xD