Search Results

Search results 1-5 of 5.

  • I'm still not understand what was going on, but nevermind. Good to still see you here.
  • (Quote)Actually, I meant the details... Sorry, but your explanation isn't enoughI don't know, what exactly happend, why, how, different views, etc. The full story. Becouse that case reminds me something... But, as I said - nevermind. I will try to gather the info to lay out the full picture on my own. (Quote)The story can not be forgotten. Especially if it has a dark things. if you don't want to see repeated that dark parts of story in the future, of course...
  • (Quote)Thanks for your help, C.O.Much better than AD explanation. And thanks for understanding... (Quote)Are you alright? Misunderstadning between me an you is not mean that I threat everyone. I meant, that if that will be forgotten like "never was", then somebody will repeat the strory soon or later, one way or another. Somebody who will not remember even their clan name. It's the experience of those who already faced it. Try to understand that. And try to judge my words objective next time. W…
  • Abrasdevil: (Quote)I know. But i'm trying to learn as much as I can. I don't see anything bad on this, becouse I was not involved as a interested, and even a third party. And i don't trying to judge anyone and anything while learning this. It's not my business. I just want to know. Becouse I don't want to make too much of the inconsistencies in the story. But anyway, thanks for that you gave me the other directions of my search.
  • Maxbur:Closing the problem is never been the solving the problem. And never will be.But you're really insistent desire to either make things worse, or kick me out in hell.I Can't handle with it for long. And in one day you will win. I don't want to be here only to be persecuted by you, becouse I'm already seen anough of this shit in the parallel game. Thank you for your big work with creating the trust and understanding between me, my clan, you and the administration. And thanks for your warm l…