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  • XP works perfectly with this, but you can try Firefox instead. It has more plugins... Forlon already said all what was to say about places you can't post.
  • Well, lately there were 2 threads closed (since a bit before this thread got created), with no post from a moderator neither any kind of warn or sign it got closed. But you can see when a thread is closed by it's icon, the sheet of paper with a lock on it.
  • Huor, you are not the only one who can close threads and you know I am sure of what I speak when I say something certain. There were 2 threads that closed up without even a post from a mod or OP(so even less a warn or notice), now there's only 1. For example, this one:index.php?page=Thread&postID=289563#post289563 I doubt fallen closed it And I'm not even sure why it got closed, that Fallen temporarly said that, "that's all for this thread", doesn't mean it had to be forcedly closed, maybe some…
  • The other one is the pirate RP discussion ? It was like that for few days, but now it does have a "closed" post made by OP.
  • Set as done is not closing the thread, and there is still a reply button for everyone. Huor: And how is somebody supposed to know who closed that, or if it's just a bug and not even closed ? There's no word on that thread getting closed. No notification. Actually, this is what I meant with no "warn".
  • @Forlon: Yes, using the Report button is the most normal way. Though some "shy" mod don't even give a notice that the thread got closed, no matter by who or why, but people should know it's closed, not search for a Reply button, get angry, think they got banned/blocked, installing browsers, formatting PCs and stuff. Also people have to report some other random post from a closed thread to get it open or ask to remove certain posts/other stuff, instead of reporting the notification of it getting…
  • Gunny: Well, because it's normal users who keep this active, without them the remaining moderators (as there were more before) will have nothing to do. But well, it's good as it is now, as most Moderators do their job fine, and do care about how they do it. It's a positive situation. The quotes not appearing bug is on client's side PCs as only few had that issue, though I don't know the details of how to fix it, I seen members who said that now it works. @ Anyone: Somebody knows how to fix the …
  • Well, meanwhile, have fun Mara (Hidden Content)