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  • I Want to participate in RP but... This evening I was asked if I wanted to join a Clan, I do at some point..but have some reservations. For a start..and I`m guilty of this...New players generally do not read the clan/system rules. The Server rules are obvious because they are at manhatten in big red writing so its hard to avoid and therefore excuses cannot be given. Before you know it tho, you are 50Mil in credit and off to buy ships and shields without thought of who owns what system and what …
  • Micheal Im not complaining about server Police..That is of course none of my buisness, Server rules are down to OP and how he decides to police them and who he has (You for example) to Help in that. There is no place for players who continuesly break those rules and upset the other players on the server as a whole. Demonic..he was an example of a player that is a villan and because of his actions needs to be dealt with accordingly, like I doesnt seem that fines will deter him and other…
  • (Quote from Bond)Amen to that, I have nothing but admiration for these talented guys who have spent their time bringing this to us. OK to be fair I dont expect everyone to jump to my words or change anything, so I will just put in this simple request:Can we have a section on the forum for active roleplay members and their roles?Just so newer players like myself can make an informed decision about what kind of stance we want to take and who to talk to in regards to roleplay. Surely it wont be to…