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Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • Eh... I'm seriously need to improve my english writing Then I could take the plot.
  • (Quote)My inagination is working only in my native laguage. Just for information. And my Russian is perfect. So perfect that it is impossible to translate even with a dictionary sometimes. You can see some of the the results here or here. I'm just trying to find another possible way FOR NOW. But if it's inpossible then I can only say sorry for bothering you. P.S. It's hard to insult me. It's easy to make me helpless with my ideas. Usually I'm working on more affordable. Otherwise I spend too mu…
  • Marauder: Well... all the text work now consists of two phases - writing and translating. Sometimes, even my usual speaking. And if usually I can write the giant text blocks then I can't translate even AoUCN treaty document almost a year. it makes a hard compression for any of my writings. So, You can see how the text is usually damaging after my translation. For example (usual length of the text): Rus (the full history of clan before New Foundation):textlenght.PNG I wrote this text for …
  • PolarBear: (Quote) well... At least I tried to. But even I do not forbid alternative ideas based on the results of my work. If you are afraid that your ideas will not be understand - ask the writers staff of Mass Effect how it can be overcome. All is possible. You just need to want it. GL anyway.