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  • I've created this thread for postings the own-created movies, clips and others. No matter is it just edited or fully own created. As a pioneer of it, I've post my vudeo experiments here first Don't worry, I've post here only the video, what have the good ratings. 2009:Serious Sam the Second Encouter video for presentation on the subject "foundations of Computer Science", topic - "Commands, scripts, variations of scripting" in Jan 2009. Presented well Later this part of my repot was used at the …
  • (Quote from Michael) It's just a popular expression
  • Thanks for helping people. Keep it up. I've already posted the video on other thread, but will repost it here too. The reason is - see the title list (quantity of used materials) and used time of video. Length of the video project will be almost 7 minutes. So, It can be looks like that example:[video][/video] I don't hurry everyone, but the more video materials is the better.And do not forget about the "quiet" video. Beautiful panoramas (I hope i've translated it …
  • Oh yeah!I see the real good stuff! Don't stop to craete it! *Started to dream about massive scene of "wall against wall"*I remember we had once this on Discovery done. It was looking epic
  • Hard but worthy. Aerobatics are welcome too
  • Updated: 3 new videos added to my first post. Now working on Homeorld I plot cutscenes with rus subs (for russian fansite).But soon, all the current works can be greatly slowed down. Exams.
  • Hello again. As you're already know, I'm working on large project about Homeworld game plot (parallel to CF trailer project and some others). Total planned movies are 3 - one per game (HW, HW: Cataclysm and HW2). Bot now I need the help of the community, specifically the critics about some things what I will list below. I've uploaded already the 1 of 4-th tarts of first movie and you can see it here:[video][/video] After watching it, I need your commets, critics a…
  • Bond:Video is usual, especially black-and-white. It's a real space opera. I Just don't know how I can add dynamic here (and do I need it really?) May be you didn't play the game - there one map would take hours
  • Don't worry, I call it for usual critics too.But It's Homeworld. Not Quake 3 or Starcraft in first minute
  • All materials of HW are already collected. All that remains is only to use it. But now I'm passing the exams, so there will be some break for 2-3 weeks. Just for note. When the head and especially time will once again be free enough from studies - I'll back for that work.
  • xD I really don't know how fast that work will be done - the life (that heartless bastard) loves to amend the plans... But it will anyways. Howbeit, don't forget about collecting the materials for the trailer. I still remember what I'm going to do. (Quote)This is just the specifics of my energy. As with everything, the direction of my work (playing certain games, games map creation, writing, organizing something ,etc) is periodic but not constant. It means, I usually have a long quiet in the sp…
  • Gathering CF SP materials... After that the main work with CF trailer will begin. P.S. I see, Trailer for CF 2.0. already done... mmmm...
  • I've decided to unite all the parts of HW movie and re-edit the first. HW movie will be added to channel as final version with deleting the previous.Currenlty, half of the work is complete. But additional edition will take many time. As someone told...When it's done (c)
  • (Quote)No, but there are still some technical problems with a server. I'll let you know when the list will be completed.
  • (Quote)Some video is unavailable. I can't remeber that huge number of titles (Quote)Exectly what I understood But meanwhile, I will use this opportunity to publish some other kind of video experiment. [video][/video]
  • To all operators and video makers: Gathering the SP video still in progress. I'm already chose the music themes and made the sound edition. But when all the preparations will coplete, I need the next types of video materials: 1. Cloaking device working (stationary and while ship is moving): cloak and decloak aswel.2. Team fights videos (PvE and PvP)3. Battleship PvP fights4. Background and panorama videos (high priority to recording gates in Crossfire system, Nomad homeworld systems, Antients a…
  • UPD:If someone can, please make clan-system video with your clan members.But please, make normal video. Not the family photo
  • SOrry. I forgot to add new video here... Winds of Change[video][/video]