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  • Loosing a BS's shield only happened in the times OP fixed the BSes in 1.8x, and I suppose again with 1.9's arrival(if it worked at all in SP). Anyway if you have no shield, the only way to fix it is rebuying the BS, or try another.
  • Right, when BSes were fixed (the first time did was like 1 year ago after 1.81) you had to rebuy it, but right now 2 other fixes passed, for the last one you have to: Buy fighter, exit the server, enter and buy the BS you choose, but choose carefully there are new and very cool battleships arround as well Maybe you don't have much money for buy/rebuying. You can store your BS guns into another char, or tell somebody to keep them for a moment, while you do the rebuying, it's not needed to sell t…