Search Results

Search results 1-5 of 5.

  • Rifty: It is sad you were even official, with a system and forum, and members... why you gave up right before starting ? captainscarlet: Well Scarlet, if that really is true and Abras's explanation means nothing to you, then congratulations for waiting months for something and leaving just few days before it got released. While final tests were on going and OP (and team) was working on it in a noticeable way.OP said nothing against it's release this time so your "reason" is incorrect. Good luck…
  • (Quote) Don't hurry, you won't have time for it anyway
  • Well, OP felt the activity of the server when he had to "check" 348(or 328 ?) chars which were online in 2 days. To have a general constant of above 20 players, you need many
  • Guess he wants somebody's eyeballz.
  • Don't feed the trolls O.o