Search Results

Search results 1-3 of 3.

  • For now the math goes correctly and acceptable. Bounty Hunters and Militaries could be neutral for pirates, as you said, instead of hostile (but not friendly, no sense). But will killing NPCs of those factions affect reputation ? or you will deactivate that part, maybe except the "neutral companies and planets to have some freedom... EDIT: I should point as well, at the question: Will clan system stations/planets be affected ? It could make some issues of players who couldn't enter in some of t…
  • You didn't mapped it in 5 years ? hmm well... Ya, that's a point, maybe freelancing, with no license would allow you map the game, but you'll be subject to kill on sight by all RPs.
  • hmpf half a billion... I don't have enough brain cells to count mines xD (how many I got lol )