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Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • My Opinion

    I just had an exchange of PM's with some old veterans of CF and all of whom I claim to be friends of mine, even though one is not one in RP. Now a few weeks ago I was told to "shut up" about my old-school honor and the way things used to be, but there is something to be said for us old-schoolers and the way we conducted business and rp. Were we perfect? Not always and sometimes we did some pretty ugly things in game to get the edge on the other side and sometimes with pretty bad consequences. i…
  • My Opinion

    SHS: You completely missed the point of the original post, but I wouldn't expect anything less. You obviously have a serious problem translating english properly, ( which is ok, its not your native language) , so why don't you ask someone who speaks your native tongue AND who has a firm grip on english, to assist you before you answer. My German sucks, so I ask Huor, Ryder and Haeger to assist me with translations so I don't make a mistake in my response. @BC: I do know unethical behavior young…
  • My Opinion

    Well unfortunately Steph is correct. I made this post in an attempt to make people think before they act, but as you can see it's not possible.
  • My Opinion

    (Quote from StephanoV) IT&C, now that was funny! Too bad it's on both sides......