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Search results 1-9 of 9.

  • against that theory speaks time + gravity
  • the most accurate clock in the universe
  • while most ppl have accept the great news i raise the question why neutrinos from super novas reached earth after we saw the light flash? next to that if they really can travel faster than light I raise the theory that they act counter proportional to mass (which would explain many things)-> and since such theories are very popular these days... -> afterall we explain the universe with "dark matter" or "dark engery" (which both are different expressions for "we dont know")
  • but they were detected
  • well, why would the star remains suddenly spread neutrinos and then stop for no observated reason?Id assume that the creation of neutrinos require large energies... the super nova is the biggest energy blast so its the most likely source of neutrinoseverything coming after that would less likely be source of neutrinos
  • big piece of diamond - no (as it does not increase something)teleportation - no (as it does not more things from one place to another... it just links them -> in other words you could create another "you" 1 million miles away from your position that acts exactly like you -> so if you walk through the door your other self also will walk through a door.... or hit a wall if the environment is different over there.... which brings me to an even more interesting question -> does it hurt and the conne…
  • yeah that could work. but somebody needs to get rid of the dead corpses
  • no lag
  • told you