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  • (Quote from Gunny) I hope you both do not share the same hole
  • why its a joke?
  • ha, next page Just to remind: (Quote from Gunny) There is no basic question of this thread, the thread is not written as question, the first post does not contain a question... And everything else is just an assumption or intrepretation that more or less reflects that we all post irrelevant stuff here just to fill some bits of a continuesly growing database. This thread serves no other purpose to offer SPAM an area to grow strong and spread and multiply itself numerous times by having sex betwe…
  • What a funny thread - i think i will close it because its funny - ROFL... @DW: Let me rework your response (because there is stuff mentioned i am not aware where you take this from): (Quote from Daywalker)First: You have not - what?Second: My quote of death? Whose death are you talking about? Huh death - why death? I replied to your post as you stated: "The only fact i see is, that you get too much attention mostly by questionable actions - while not answering the basic questions of the thread …
  • And i thought 80% of the post here are pointless. But if i reconsider... it might be 99% ;D
  • Ahhh quoting of death is one context. LOL thought i quoted about death of someone or something. LOL.Its quoting - like the word says itself. I do it this way because then my response to specific parts of your post are in context. Its easier to quote statements of you instead scrolling up or down or even switching pages. Its easier for me this way and from my POV not wrong. Its just a quote and i remove stuff that i don't want to comment like its common for quoting. A thread - yeah hum - your ex…
  • @DW; There is always a reason - and with that there is a question. I think i got this reason and the question as well. Even 4 pages ahead to this one But dunno - the thread is not written as question, and if i consider the reason to be serious then my abstract of the rules is not the worst idea. But i am happy that we comply in defining all this thead here pointless. Should have been named like: "Yet another SPAM corner" or something like this.Although i think the syntax and semantics is import…
  • No and yes. The "written above" includes my post - but the other posts above mine as well. What is nearly the entire thread. But i know that's logic that is not in everyones favor. I love this way of teasing^^ brings me to smile
  • (Quote from Daywalker) There is also a difference between apples and pears,cars and trucks,and so much more...