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    I have had some experience with this on the SW:WT server. They have a "conquering model" but it is kind of complicated (waves of attackers, alot of pre-determined planning,. no room for tactical approach)...Moreover, the conquering of a planet/zone could happen in one day, this meaning of course that not everyone could attend the battles. There are a couple of problems that we should keep in mind when figuring out a "conquering model", among which are: 1. People have to be able to attend it.2. …
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    Addendum -> we could use the Autoreferee to score kills within the disputed system (but a victory should only win the base claimed) by using ASF/CSF like Attacker/Defender. We could use it like this now but in the future maybe it could be changed to Attacker/Defender. ASF/CSF roleplay would take place every day anyway...:)
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    Michael 1. Alaska has 2 basses.2. If the CF system would be conquered then one could conquer Alaska. The same rules that apply for basses can apply for territory also, so if you conquer middpoint rift, then you're on your way to Alaska 3. please don't try to find enemies when there are not and let's set the differences aside. The only place that we should be on opposite sides SHOULD BE ROLEPLAY. @Cryssis As I understand CF is also a RP server. Wouldn't it be better if instead of "Events", which…
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    well, given the fact that 1. freelancers go on about their business oblivious to inter-clan disputes AND that, as you can read in the model I have presented, they would have automatic transit rights (of course, if they are not in which they would be killed anywhere anyway) 2. clans cannot lose their system (or base) irrelevant of what happenes. I do not see any problems there... Moreover, if a clan decides that they want to "conquer the world"...well, bad news...because as they conqu…
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    Either way, untouchable clan rented system or not, it would be a huge step forward, RP wize and community wize...not to mention that every noob that would come in and get sucked in this RP would want a clan of his/her own=rented system (we could make a special offer for the noobs...there are lots of systems out there) (I think that we could even make an Level-up system for the clans ie. Minor clans - one base in a system (maybe in a system with more basses)- I don't want to sound mercantile...b…
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    @ Huor To what you've said This was thought for all of the Server, Clans and Freelancers...This is as much interesting for freelancers as for the clans. In the new model, freelancers would have to take in account the zones that the clans are enforcing monopolies on...for instance...IF nowdays Jack Smith is doing his usual "runs", smuggling BMG and buying back some comodity and so on and so forth, in the new system Jack Smith would have to chose between a. Remain neutral to the clan t…
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    Arrow It's not like that, don't have to set your goal to conquer the world in order to expand your territoty... If you ever played "Risk" then you know that in the beginning they role the dice and share the territories...just like the European Superpowers did with colonies all over the world. Normally, clans would pick an area that is close to their home system and start building around it until they eventually neighbour another clan (according to some Geopolitical Theories) but the …
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    @ diablo Yes, that is precisely why the "battle" should take place within a week's time. Don't tell me that in one week (especially if you have one MORE week to plan it) you cannot synchronize all of the members in your clan so that you can kill members of the attacking clan in the contested system. (according to the ASF/CSF ROE the winner is chosen according to the number of kills...if the attacking clan has some advantages in coordination, numbers etc...then that's the reality. the same goes …
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    Diablo My case is a special one, not all of the players of CF go offline for a year and then come back when they can...I didn't want to come online at least once because if I do not have time to play then I prefer not playing to spending only 15 or 30 minutes online/day. You strike me as an intelligent person...yet you ask these kind of questions... @allI read op's post and I wanted to bring something constructive to it so I did. I put together my experience with CF, SW and other mods in order …
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    Post didn't catch my drift...but whatever, it's not important anyway. Let's stick to the subject at hand. please tell me if I should post a "conquest model" in the LB.
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    I already posted in the Leaders' Board but I will double-post here too. The important decisions and voting though would be best to be made in the Leader Board. This is the Conquest Model that I propose for debating: QuotedTerritories-> 1. Rented systems have the same definition as stated in the CF Rules. 2. Sysems of Influence -> Systems which are conquered but do not share the same particularities as the clan rented systems. The conquering clan's authority within those systems is limited to: a…
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    sorry, my bad choice of should be like "The area of influence for this monopoly is that particular system and/or all of the clan's Systems of Influence, extending as far as one system away into neutral territory. If they chose to enforce their rules on another clan's territory though, they do it at their own expense." P.S I edited it.
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    @ Huor It means that if I catch somebody docking or tresspassing without clearance or smuggling something without my approval as the owner of the monopoly I can chose to follow and terminate the target into one neutral system away from mine. IF I do this on another clan's territory and the "offender" is protected by that clan, I am taking the risk of deteriorating relations with that clan and entering an open conflict. That's what it means...maybe I should of been more clear on the fact that pu…
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    @ Bond I understand what you are saying...but unfortunately this is not the place to post it...In this post we are looking for solutions to problems not just to criticise... @ everyoneP.S Please pm me with the any problem that you find in the concept AND at least one solution that you can think of, solution that would fit the 24/7 RP agenda.
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    Well, not really re-inventing the wheel... Not only allies could come to the aid of one clan but also "paid help" => so resources start to play a key role in a clan's existance... As for the resemblance to the ASF/CSF event...this is only because the ASF and CSF are forced alliances). The "Conquest Model" encourages the free forming and developing of inter-clan relations in a complex socio-political environment). For instance cops could enter a "truce" with a pirate clan (especially if we would…
  • Your turn

    @ Myric The "political" dimension of CF exists today too but in a latent form. The problem is that right now politics is practically set by each clan's ego. In my model, politics will be set by the need of resources and plans for development. So if today some clans are fighting over little matters, in the future clans will not be able to afford such things without losing that people will not enter RP conflict as easy as they entered RP AND RL conflict in the past (and you all kno…
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    Michael has a point here...Clan wars are about 10% of what's in this model (you're not going to fight all the time because...well, wars are very expensive and you're not going to afford to do it 24/7 and then avoid RP to gather the resources)...the rest of 90% is how clans gather resources and roleplay using their conquered territory, working together with other clans and/or with freelancers...granting or revoking "authorisations" for the bmg sold at the stations they control, intermediating all…