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  • this makes me sad.. hoping to go hunting and make some $$$...!if i was one of those people who has nothing to do with the forum.. i would think that this mod was just super buggy but that is not the case... but might i make a suggestion, even if it is someone else posting but maybe have a section just for those occasion... such as "CF Testing" or whatever, to warn people that do look at the forum about when things are being tested and to let everyone know that if player's are having mysteries p…
  • (Quote from Bond)actually the NPC's stopped dropping guns later in the evening which obviously OP already knows why so there's no need to worry... just gotta wait for OP to say when things are good again!!!and hopefully OP can fix it instead of putting these guns in wrecks/depots cuz its so much fun killing those NPC's and getting those guns!!! keep or sell em!!!
  • (Quote from Galactus)i much agree with Galactus!
  • well i see no point in playing until the next version is out because those guns are the only way i can make cash since i dont know any of the trade routes!
  • ok i ran another test cuz it seems i cant just leave this mod after all that work... and seems that the Dom'Razak are now dropping guns BUT that was the only set of NPC's we got out in Ryssk and if my memory serves me correct, there is suppose to be warriors too... but YAAAAAAY i can get more guns to make more $$$!!!! wooooooohooooooo and my apologies for double posting!
  • ive explored as much as i could, that still doesnt help me with trade routes considering they always change and i never know when they change and to where... if you know what i mean!! so my way of making money is out in Weth
  • (Quote from Bond)ok well thats odd because when Galactus and I go hunting and we fight fighters/bombers, we only get one gun per kill now... as far as i know, cruisers drop 2 guns per kill... so yes, thats very odd and weird LOL
  • (Quote from Galactus)i cannot recall which day it was but I can confirm that there was one day that the fog seemed to be gone! and if OP says he did not remove it at any point, then why was it not there for Galactus and I ? and holy crap, those effects are wiked... but I have not seen these effects and my graphics are maxed out... unles of course they are new ???
  • well Cpt_Klink and I do not see these effects either and we are both running the game at full graphic capabilities.. so please someone explain to me why we cant see those effects but someone with low graphic capabilities can see them? this makes me sad because i love those effects, they are just totally wiked and would make the video's that i want to make even better