Search Results

Search results 1-6 of 6.

  • bug free<---
  • Also, this time... the ones kicked by the anticheat can't have the excuse of a bug to cover his cheats (which I saw a huge lvl difference once, but the anticheat got him and never tryed it again :D)
  • Yeah, OP does better work nearly alone than groups of 10 disorganized modders
  • omg omg 20 hours with no crash !! We'll be better than discovery in people pretty soon At the beggining players were f*cked cus it was crashing every 5 minutes... but now ? Best mod as usual... now+ server stability.
  • Yes, server is still down. (on my toolbar too)
  • Yes, now there're many players online... already... Answer for some questions about players online on a bugged server(where you can't get online): You can try click to join that server, and it will read youconnecting with it, but not conencted as the answer from teh server's files is too slow(actually none)... so the players online feature reads players related with the server, but not rlly on it.