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  • I see you say soemthing about patches, there's no patch needed for CF 1.81, and tehre are some possible issues with teh antivirus, also some with windows vista or 7, as you have to run it as admin... there must be some hint somewhere which makes you problems. Huor, yeah, just installing it normally worked, the only bug I got(not after the install, later) was the IDS missing lol. Windows XP and Avast rocks !! wtf compatible with everything.
  • Whatever, coming and telling nothing works, you read all the instructions and nothing works won't fix anything. Maybe youy just don't deserve the mod, or you simply don't even know how to install it as exception of your AV. It's your fail, not anyone's else.
  • Everything is reported, just to take an action soon (at least giving a day of response just in case xD )