Search Results

Search results 1-3 of 3.

  • IF you would have followed the instruction word by word THEN THE MOD WOULD RUN. Do you actually expect help here after showing such an terrible attitude in your very first post? Right now I am not sure if I should consider to ask you which problem you have and direct you to the guides again where the solution can be found OR if I should throw you out of the Portal because I doubt that my mod, my server and my community need players which can't control themself. Fortunatly its late and I am tire…
  • (Quote) My high and mighty attitude (based on my "high and mighty" skills and my "high and mighty" influence on the entire lancer community over the past decade) just tells me that Ive a pretty good way dealing with jerks like you.I am really glad that (unlike all the players which downloaded and installed my work without any problems) YOU ran into mysterious problems that you obviously could not even explain to us. Yes, I am really glad about it because otherwise you would poison my community …
  • [threadclosed]no need for further discussions here[/threadclosed]