Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 76.

  • I was trying to check the AV issue with the .dll files.... but can't assure nothin with the FL.exe one >_>
  • Killing NPCs and selling their pods to prisons was the past's good way to make $, with Ancients was the same way but with other drops... I wasn't interested in using that system as I'm not worryed about having lvl 90 chars just to show off, but neither thought about it as an exploit... even after noticing people making lvl 90 with that, you need some skills and training to survive there long enough
  • Then everyone to Dervon ! jk concentrating on having fun is the most important part, even the ons who has fun being rich will have some issues Luckly I don't have those needs higher than other needs...
  • (Quote from uncleglennie) Afterall, if there are no ppl who install the CF mod for the virus alert, there will be no ppl visiting the finished SWAT. (Except the few ones who passes over the false virus alert) As a virus for people who have no idea about modding or computers are really scared about thoe alerts, as they just know: virus = PC destroyed/bank account hacked, etc. But also the Portal serves for many other games... then there will be visitors in any way Then Portal > CF
  • sry mister but CFPD will use them first, for universal peacekeeping
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) NPC ? what that means ? Hope it doesn't mean those will also be NPC only ships... they're having more ships than human players !! REVOLUTIOONN OVER NPCS !!! xD
  • Ok, when and where we shcedule the first part of our revolution ? xD We are better than the NPCs, we can win !!
  • That fleet is awaiting orders, while protecting the entrance from the Altair sector... where nothing good can come by that dim rift, coalition enemyes, or nomads... or Dom Kavashes
  • crap, don't give them horrible ideas xD Even worse... a pink alien mothership...
  • no no no no, Spiky HATES purple (dunno why lol), so he'd never use that dress xD Fixing the server's issue can take so long... or so short... depens on your luck to find the bugsyep... bugs in plural xD
  • I think there's more related the AV issue with the server crashes issues... remembering the test moments when it was just us some pair of well installed CF mods and no probs with the AV the server didn't crashed, with more newbs teh server crashes, before, teh crashes repeated 5 times in teh next 5 minutes but now most people know to restart the client and I jsut saw 1 crash or double crash... no more
  • noob AVs... somebody report the CF files as a "Fake Positive" to each av's support, and hope to get it working soon Avast has that button when a virus alert appears. But I never needed it
  • That's not lag, it's your screen jumping arround, like you had 15 fps, and that happens when a bucle(bug) makes your CPU run at 99%, sometimes it takes over 1 minute to get ridd of it, it's as simple as restarting the FL.
  • More important: -Fix AV issue as much as possible -Fix server stability and some big warn like the one when you start CF, which now tells about this mod is in Beta and the downloads before 5 jan are not available anymore, it could be changed for the restart issue. -Make trade routes like Quintus said, and lower the $ from Ancient guns a bit. Less important (if you have time) : -Add few new Battleships you said you prepared but weren't rdy ? It'd be cool something new a bit better than Osiris...…
  • Easy task to solve , hmm... if you (Huor) or somebody else know how to fix a certain bug you noticed, you can do the changes, and send them to OP That would help he'd only have to see if it works and rdy... So until 1.83 we won't have a compleete Multiplayer storyline within Inner Core
  • Good idea... will fix any possible problems/issues with the RP
  • The pirate tricked you haha ! A pirate got tricked by another pirate xD
  • The trade lane thing yes, but well, it's a different lane so large, it'd have energy only for 1 tunnel The waypoints, if you double click on any jhole, you see it sais hazard adn other warnings, from teh game, those holes are nothing safe, and not a place for a fighter to pass through all the time So the waypoints don't read them.
  • It's logical you can't dock a station which is smaller than your ship xD Even that... the RH Cruiser is sold at triangulum... well.... it's still on beta
  • yes, you can't dock that station once you undocked with the ones they sell... still they have BSes in hangar which is a kind of bug/exception of logical stuff