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  • I think you did downloaded the 1.8.1 version of it. Well, Vista has some issues arround, even yours is not a common one I could see.The IDS bug is something that happened to my portable, but it dissapeared in time... alone :O. With Vista you usually have to open the installer, and FLMM as Administrator to avoid bugs, yet I don't see why your bug happens, unless it came from not opening the FLMM as admin. OP R8R is more knowledged in this... as he's the creator of it
  • Well, bad luck for you then Activation was when you "activate" the mod with the FLMM
  • Of course, if you do it wrong, it won't work. It did worked for anyone who actually tried checking the FAQ or other SOLVED issues about CF. Flaposaurus Rex is on the server. You not.
  • If you get to read this again, then just try a clean installation, from the beggining, renaming your Freelancer folder holding Discovery to some other name, can make you keep that mod and try installing this one as well.