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Search results 1-6 of 6.

  • dont worry - i read that stuffbut i see no reason to do anything... afterall im not supporting CF anymore since the players stopped to support SWAT
  • maybe i dont want to explain this anymore since thats what ive been doing week by week, since january
  • no - the server easily can handle +50 players (the performance was perfect)just ppl were too stupid do follow simple instructions... they downloaded a versions which was not officially released... and caused heavy problems to the server which took me weeks to fix and which even has lead to the deactivation of features on the server since that next to that when the server was running ok againthe players of this community didnt do a shit for the serverevents could not take place coz i was not abl…
  • the mod has been checked for errors by 3 modders meanwhile (just one error has been found and fixed)the mod also has been checked in a very detailed long time test where every system, every nebula, every asteroid, every death zone, every station, every planet, every NPC encounter, every offered mission and every ship has been tested under "clean" server conditions (online) with the result that next to a unexplainable problem with sol the mod is working stablethis got proved by many hours of sta…
  • yes bond... its nothing new that you dont understand stuff (mainly cause of your philosophical kind of thinking and my straight short explainations) both statements are true and valid and do not exclude each othereventhough the players r reason for all the problems there would be possible measurements to prevent the troubles... but i still dont see a reason why i should invest another 2 months of work into ppl which give a damn about everythin g
  • i have finished the unfinished and released it in januarythat was the deal and ive done my part already