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  • (Quote)(Quote) Dear OP, when I read the statements above I was buffed, stunned, SHOCKED !...........And I still fail to really understand your decision. I came to SWAT - about a year ago - for anything but digging into Crossfire, even if I played CF 1.7 years ago - yeah on SP. But I was caught by the progress CF 1.8 had made and I followed it by an occasional look. I started looking more frequently, when last autumn all the hassle about lacking support to You, SWAT and the mod itself started.Si…
  • [SIZE=1]@ bond : didn't know, that there're more old farts like me around (see my sig).[/SIZE] Dear OP,I think THAT (Quote)is a result of the quality of your mod, of Crossfire as a whole, not only CF 1.81 but also all previous versions [SIZE=1](al least CF 1.7, which I have played)[/SIZE]. You made your "tool" too good. It has developed kind of a life by its own. A life powerfull enough to distract YOU from what you aimed at, powerfull enough to suppress any other "modding" or SWAT-community li…
  • [SIZE=1]Finally an answer of one of the other Crossfire team members.[/SIZE] (Quote) Any opinions on what I suggested in the lower part of my starting post ?
  • (Quote) 1. (Quote)Do you refer here to the still too wide spread inability to start ans RESTART properly ? Or anything else ? I don't see a failure in it to play on the server, as freelancer without license, as "lone some merc, pirat, cop, mixup" etc with a license, or member as a clan.Am I missing something ? 2. (Quote)That's something, where I can -unfortunatly- understand your anger. But in that your expectations are eventually a bit too high for the social dynamics in a group, where "just h…
  • I thought of "staff members", since they were called upon. About the commnuity of 8000 it would be a shame, but out of more thsn 8000 ppl downloading, only the smallest part ever goes playing public. And even a smaller number will spent a dimes worth thinking, what they could be worth of others work. And an again smaller number get their bum moved and at least attend a forum. And so on. But at least it will always YOUR decision to live and let die, what's going with SWAT, what will happen to th…
  • Thanks for the clarification of your decision, OP. It helped me, personally, to understand you better. And with that (Quote)you leave us, at least me with some hope, that SWAT and Crossfire MIGHT not end.[SIZE=1](silly, but I still believe in the good of mankind, also of "gamerkind".)[/SIZE] A last question from my side, the I will leave this thread, as it is. Will SWAT-portal come back fully operational, with all it has to offer (tuts, tools, downloads,etc) to be reached over the "normal" adre…
  • (Quote) I think with THAT OP not only refers to what's going on on the game-server (or NOT going on) or to the amount of community activity. I think this points to some very ugly [SIZE=1](esp. if you don't have enough of it, what you will never have)[/SIZE] REAL LIFE stuffcalled [SIZE=3]MONEY ![/SIZE] Running a server costs, euros, dollars, pond sterling, rupies, yen. [SIZE=3]CASH, KNETE, BUCKS, PENUNSE[/SIZE] [SIZE=1](sorry if I fall back in my mother tongue, but it's pretty serious stuff.)[/S…
  • Well, I think there is a quite narrow timeline, that THIS time doesn't only depends on the benevolence of OP.
  • This "advertising" and PR-stuff : How ? Where ? What is still needed ? Where to contribute to this work (when I find something I can contribute) Who's in charge of this ?