Search Results

Search results 1-14 of 14.

  • To help the community, I propose EMs do more events out of Europe classic schedule to get ppl outside of europe playing and participating in the community games. I already proposed to organize races on Canada/USA convenient schedule. I couldn't get it started yet cause i had RL issues but i'm planning for a start in April as i'll get more free time to deal with it. North America is a big pool of players and the EMs should keep in mind that 8PM server time is great for europe but not convenient …
  • Lets says for a month you leave the "office" stuff (portal, wiki, modding) and come play the game ??? You wanted to animate the RP when you released 1.81 why not go forward with that in April ??? That would change your routine. Clans are ready to start RP and from what i can read ppl complain mainly about the lack of RP in game right now, not about the forum or the portal of the WIki. The 1.81 may not be as perfect and stable as 1.7 but its quite good now so i guess it can survive as it is for …
  • too bad OP May I inquire : Why not ? @Ryderhook : Could you please post in english cause google translator is having a hard time with your german typing .... ! Thx !
  • ouch thats becoming a little harsh here boys, calm down a bit. You guys may have to talk by PM a bit to settel this in private ... Obviously there is a misunderstanding between you two cause you're both saying the opposite of the other.... And sorry for you bullwinkle but OP is right about the multiple help requests... Not a day passes without OP asking for help from the community. Althoug OP, when you say "IF you are that clever to fix what i am not able to fix (i wonder what that might be) th…
  • I didn't meant to take them every step of the way, dear OP, just to start them off. Once that is done we can hope that they are intelligent enough and will continue by themselves... Its the way education/job works : you got someone who teach you the basics and once its done you get yourself in the world and continue lerning everyday until you retire. Its sad but playing the teacher for a while might ease to get the help you want... I understand you couldn't hope to teach someone everything you …
  • So if I take your words correctly : OP don't want help for the Mod itself right now but mostly for side stuff (news, events, portal, forum, moddb, wiki, etc....) If ppl are good at doing the small stuff in the eyes of the Admin, they might hope for a little task or two in the big CF mod. Is that it OP ? Btw, i've taken responsability to moderate CF's ModDB page. Any one else willing to do a little something for the other projects ????
  • Well then, any chance you had time for the ModDB stuff i need to start moderating that page, OP ??
  • You certainly are quick ! Invite accepted, will look into all this tonight (EDT-0400), thx OP !
  • i know you decided to almost stopp activity on the server OP, but could the dynamic news/universe be restarted so we get something else than "ASF found 2'000'000 whiskey bottles" ??? That would greatly help RP ! Having no more invasions or pirate attacks is sad...
  • alright just wanted to know ! Thx
  • i agree with Shockwave, i keep seeing new players everyday... And about not enough old players online, i know this time of year is full of exams and finals for many many players so they are forced to take a break of gaming.... 2 players of my clan are away for that reason now but will return in the summer (june). I know you're tired of waiting for ppl to act of but it may be the worst time of year for MP gaming.... And yeah many newcomers on the forum requesting help are playing SP to practice …
  • nah size doesn't matter like they say.... But i think AV troubles made it harder cause Hellraiser's right ppl don't bother (always never bother whatever what it's about) We must bring SP loners to MP right away.... Is there a way with the launcher to make popup opens when someone starts SP ("Hey why not play MP instead its more fun !") ???? Or make a little mod in NY to add a MP invite in the SWAT rules that show in your face ???
  • Everyone should begin to "turn" SP players to MP.... it is funnier, easier (ppl help out), learning is faster (again with the help of ppl).... RP will also be a great plus when it gets moving again. Its slowly stating but i got a really good feeling it will return as it was before. So here is start : SINGLEPLAYERS, Join the CF community ONLINE today !