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  • yes, even with the anticheat lately loaded and autopatched, it will just get you to problems. The only thing you can mod eaely to make your SP easyer, if you're not though enough to make it without changes, are your own savefiles, for the save file folder, and they only affect your SinglePlayer because all the save files you see are only from SP heh
  • (Quote) Well, that way you could better use a private way, chat, PMs with OP about it. Because any positive answer to you on that topic is giving anybody else access to what you (can) do. You can always change each type of thing, and see what it dos, exploring the code by yourself It's how I started, making my own system arround 4 yrs ago.
  • Well, for your knowledge, a general FL site's answer wouldn't work on this mod, as the coding itself is quite different... that's why the char wipe from 1.7 to 1.8