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Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • ok i love neing in the dark and really hate being sick but it is kinda disheartning to know that we already lost another SP and if asked i will go to and its a shame really and sorry shock but OP is right about this when in SP character there should not be any clan dealings at all and i would have one suggestion that SP char be made on different account and thus kept seperate from clan char so SP rights arent abused when not in SP character ....
  • lol like i said if i need to step down someone tell me ill do it but i did always try to remain nuetral as Spiky will attest to for several of his fines but i guess maybe i should have done more
  • lol dont worry about it its still in adjustment type stages lol
  • ok unless OP says who it is dont worry about it it wasnt directed at you .... this is what he is talking about that imedeate jumping on the defensive about things stop its a game guys supoose to be fun hello but i can tell you this if you think one person can f*** the server than you are insain and please unless you are named then relax its not easy to play when everyone plays the blame game and im tired of hearing about it this is becoming to political ...we need to return to the game ok thats …