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  • Greetings all, I may have the try, as the current manager of the normal TDM, to create a new event called Starflier TDM. For more efficiency of the new event, I make this thread so any visitor bring his opinions and ideas. The current settings of the Starflier Grand Melee are theese: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [GLOW=red][SIZE=4] The Crossfire Starflier Grand melee event, also known as Starflier Team Death Match [/SIZE] [/GLOW] Event Manager: Michael D…
  • Yep, if all go fine,it will happen next week
  • Hmm... donations are accepted, but not necessary a point I forgot to tell.
  • I hope so The objectives of this event are many... like is said in the first post, bringing fun and motivateing new players to keep laying CF (after the event), even if it's their first minute in the server, to bring fun to all, remake friendship (it would be funny getting others in Starflier, and if you(any participant) get killed it won't look so bad ), bringing new prizes, funding new players, helping CF's server population increase, etc. And as I'm already EM of the normal TDM, it would be …
  • I don't think shield upgrades can be mounted, anyway it just upgarde with few points... power generators would be nearly unusseful, and armor bonuses yes make a change. All people are interested in this TDM for the low stats and easiness of killing ohtehr starfliers... and the speed of them. Armor upgrade maks them slower, and the rest yes, bring some differences and unfair things. I could have them in my cargo, so I could donate them to newbies, but I think it's better that all starfliers have…
  • The fun of it, also as I heard, is the leak of hi-tech as darkomen says...the lowest class, easyer to kill and best at evadeing ship ever. The ship is definately Starflier... also in honor of poor Juni that once gifted that ship, and died generations ago xD Well, for the moment I expect votes/opinions about to shields and armors be allowed or not, and about the event
  • Well, since this morning, due to the objectives of this event, I have free hands and full support from OP to make this new event real, as I think better for all, and the server, and I take the opinions of the majory, after passing them by a neutral filter, abou it's reasons, utility, efficiency and athmosphere. The ship for the event will sill be Starflier, most wanted it since a while ago, and actually as it's the fastest, weakest ship, there are needed skills to take others down and win the e…
  • heh, mines are the most dangerous... as a Starflier can hold Dual Mines... actually, not sure... there are things in favor and things against. For now better not, but we can make a try. All participants of the first Starflier TDM on next Sunday 8(or if it's better 7) PM server timewill be beta testers at some issues, and try things they never tryed in a starflier ! And I will participate in the event myself... for beta testing like all the others there I wear the items that may be needed for th…
  • Weight reducers can't be mounted on a starflier lol, they can't be mounted neither on a Lagg... for the reason that they take more than 30 cargohold that small ships has, especially made so it ca't be mounted on small and agile ships to be more agile... as they could make some bugs... as the mass of Starflier is so small... it could make problems being smaller, or even negative Armors make them heavyer, and slower.... you have double of Starflier's few bits of armor, but you have less handling …
  • Not really... 80 % or more are prefering the idea of haveing simple Starfliers, just as newbies, so it can be fast, easy and fun. And.. (Quote) Does that means that Diablo is going to make donations ? heh j/k
  • Yep, it's fun hunting NPCs with something lower or same as them hehe When Iplayed the Demo version of this game when it appeared, the best ship Icould have were the ones oflvl 1 and 2 heh, I used Rhino with same weps as I have on my Starflier TDM EM now, until I killed about 3500 NPCs...
  • I still have the savefiles from the Demo version on my other HDD. I got the demo free with a newspaper of games... I still have the CD with it
  • Yes, there is an ammount of credits needed to participate... as you all(participants) will die a lot, you will need credits for the "100000 fine" thing. I already cleared this issue on the first posts... the first one and the additional info one. Reading it would show no problems. The infos are compleete, and rules simple. If you read those osts I said about, you see that all experinced(any older player that has more chars) has to bring credits with the Starflier char. And I also wrote that any…
  • Mainly for the ammount of credits you loose when you get killed... in Starflier without shields expect to die as 10 times in 5 minutes if there are many... but beta testers, the ones on next Sunday will be to test and choose one of the both ways... playing the event in it's both ways. It's like an safety ammount so you don't get bankrupt to NY.
  • Well, you have now the Starflier TDM Reminder thread... as you've noticed it (I think). You will see there my rememberings about when there will be the Starflier event. HAVE FUN AMONGST ALL !
  • *updated info n rules* ALso remember, when you see the StarflierTDM~EM char, my responsible char for this event relogging many times, it's my style to announce to all that the event is starting, ASAP.
  • In the rules it says, no missiles, guns only Also, it says, only what you can get in NEW YORK. And power generators are in franky and stutt.... not NY, so nope We keep it simple, skilsl counts, guns only and all people go in a mass fight with the speedyest ship with low weps and shields