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  • ppl get very familar in using their Missiles @Anca, you got a PM
  • just request more and more for 1.8 so it will need more and more time...
  • (Quote)you got it... Finaly only one group will be happy and the other group will start complaining and so on.
  • There would be a realy easy way to make the Missile users having more problems but not that much. Just a thinking about it - because imO 1.7 is realy well balanced and it would be sad to lose the balance. Why not adding a Zero to the hold of CMs - so 500 instead of 50? Everything could remain as is then. Why do i step in with a new proposal you may ask, pretty easy - because the CapShips could become to powerfull if the refire rate of the Missiles would be dropped dramaticaly... Making the Top …
  • Anybody saw the post from NewPol - look at his registration date and get the idea that this way the CF Players was reacting some years ago. It made me thinking about behavior. So for your post NewPol: [697] They said thanks for the work you are doing to OP instead of demanding things they can´t know yet - cause one thing is sure - he always had a look to the balance of all the stuff (just write the 1.7 stats down and compare it) and this will not change. And btw. U600 Guns are not unused