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  • What exactly didn't you like about it? Also, how the hell do you expect to post without registering? I dunno if guests can see the forum, but FYI mandatory registration to post is normal for internet forums. Also, your nickname (Quote)seen since ... well, a long time. (Hidden Content) Also, I don't know what to think of you if you can't run CFSetup17.exe, press Next and I Agree 'till your fingers bleed, then run FLMM and press Activate Mod -> OK.
  • (Quote)No duh, how do you play a total conversion with old saves? Something's sure to go wrong then.Also deleting saves can solve crashes if you're having any. (Quote)Yes, game updates, just like other software updates and antivirus definition updates are bad. FYI, you can choose not to update, but that means no CF multiplayer, because you'll have a different set of (bugged) files. Other mods just leave bugs in the wild 'till the next major release. That's good, according to you. And OP is much…
  • Yeah, we've had quite a lot of problems with Vista. Stupid bird. Now could you please calmly explain what's the problem cos I didn't really get that Is it activation, multiplayer or something else? And please change your nickname - (Clicky)
  • CD keys don't matter. Also, I'm sorry for you - you seem to have the unluckiest and most unstable install I've heard of. Do other games crash often too?Btw, if you get a crash/BSOD when jumping between systems, disable 3D Sound in Options -> Audio. And please change your nickname - (Clicky) <- totally serious