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  • very likely only known by me under the name [HoTa]_ConQUesTeventhough i think it was not the best idea to make that public since last time HoTa was on CF they got banned from the server for violating the server rulesbut maybe that was a different kind of HoTa... maybe the clan has changed and the members too so I will not judge by the past your offer to help is much appreciated... unfortunatly it seems like you came a bit late since all the modeling on the ships have been finished, the stations…
  • (Quote) communities keep the game going and not senseless breaking of rules that we experienced the last time... and Im not up to spend weeks to discuss clear rules over and over again just to see them broken in the end I know only 4 people in the FL community which can be called specialists in sur creation and unfortunatly original modelers are usually not able to create even simple surs. CF1.9 and CF2.0 will introduce new ships... yesbut those ships do already exist
  • well im a few decades too old to be called "boy" and to turn down offers without knowing if its worth or not would be very stupid. As i already explained to you we dont need ships or starspheres... still not yet sure if you have anything to offer that we might need. And like i already mentioned I am willing to ignore my natural dislike to Hota if its worth it. I heavily disagree with you since ive seen many servers and communities dying because of war. Crossfire is one of the oldest FL servers …
  • not to forget that both servers are dead or at least close to dead...and yes... my dev (me) is already that far with the development
  • ok - then present what you have in mind and what you have created
  • 1. why dont you simply use destructable solars instead that complicated faction mess?2. a similar idea was planned for CF1.8 (crytal asteroids for cloaking crystals in Inner Core space)3. I still see a bunch of problems.... 3.1. CF1.8 has destructable stations and that mining laser could get used to destroy stations instead of using normal weapons (which is inacceptable)3.2. the heavy damage could be used to manipulate other areas of CF (areas and features i dont want to explain here due to thei…
  • a station would not be able to gun down anything... since the ship is close to the station either none or just 1-2 guns can fire on that ship and since the asteroids would need to have similar hitpoints like a station (in order to work but not being unrealistic) the mining gun could easily kill a station using factions brings disadvantagessuch as being in the reputation list (and i dont want any fake factions there)those ships cause lag on the server (something i dont want) in the end the use o…
  • yeah - possiblebut asteroids with shields aint better... considering the realism
  • If you have a problem with the way I want to code CF and the other mods and games which are part of SWAT then you should be aware of one simple fact... that is my work... I have invested more years in SWAT and its projects than you are modding.If I see that a feature causes problems with other features of my mod then it will not get included... and there it does not matter who invented that feature.I have more than 10 concepts (working ones) which I am not able to use in Crossfire due to confli…
  • (Quote) I am fully aware of this... but in the end even for FL:EU it has to fit or you will end up with a mod which doesnt look logical or overpowered. And in the end SWAT Projects are usually high quality ones. Im not saying that this idea is totally wrong (the mining one)... I just believe that method is not perfect yet. And in a straight way i pointed out the problems. Not more... not less.
  • ahaI still can hear the "OP, release the mod NOW" from you players instead of giving me the neccessary time.Every right to complain about something is therefore gone.
  • 1. yeah right... one year ago I decided that all ships are done so i can finally do the important work and finish the mod which took another year because I have done about 95% of that work ALONESo please dont tell me how i have to do my work and how my mod has to look like because i even like those ships. 2. good 3. fine... but i decide in which direction the mod will develop... nobody else I dont care much about other mods, what they contain or how they look like. I do my job and i do a good o…