Search Results

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  • I would like to say the X3 ships are fantastic, and if it can be done with no copyright problems, then, great!. I have a suggestion: My favourite is the Mamba, it would be great to have ships like, all Split ones aligned with pirate RP, all Argon aligned with police RP, and Paranid aligned with Merc RP, Teladi and Boron aligned with Smuggler RP. Goner ships maybe as event SP or admin chars Something like this i think would work well in respect to Role based ship setups: Police (Argon) Ships:Man…
  • Heres the screenshots pages from X3 Website...
  • Argos and Az are right, if these ships are just going to be more of the same as what we have now, in terms of stats, its pointless doing them, as theres only 1 ship that everyone flies. (lagg-which could probably do with loosing either 500-1000 hull or limit it to class 9 champ shield, or have 1 less gun/missile mount, just so other ships are an option) Take the Enfilade, Rage Bringer, and Hydra, and Azan, etc... etc.... just to mention a few of the worst, you put the best Top Gun pilot on the …
  • Sorry OP, CF is the best FL mod ever made. Thats why we are all here.And yes, unless i say something, i wont know any better, i thought Argos opinion of fighting style changes is good point, and goes a long way to show a different opinion on why the VHF are like the way they are. Maybe fighting style will change in future that would benefit other ships, who knows.I'll just get back to playing, maybe i say too much eh. I dont wanna mess anything up for the rest of the community.I voted Yes to new…
  • Good point OP. Tito, theres about 5 bombers m8, Elder, Hades, Kamov, Lightbringer, Libertine Ive tried them all except the Elder, because thats BG space. They are all fun I wouldnt say no to another bomber or 2 tho i do like em.