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  • well since nobody really knows how i look like (well some do) i decided to create photo story of my life thats me when i was young ok ok that was a very dark period of my life reading such books thats me and my mom i was playing around with some ways to earn money and cause pain meanwhile that guy is a cheater my first gf (she was naughty) damn - space crispies are out for some time i worked as modell for sportswear until i got my first bike from that day ppl started to respect me very soon i s…
  • i became somewhat famous and the girls loved me that guy was my first padawan he was very good with military conflicts we won some wars and did some minor changes to the world shortly later some companies asked for my help but too many ppl started to whisper in my ear finally i ended up saving the water resources of this planet i was searching for new possibilities to gain world domination again ... and found out that playing video games is almost the same