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  • (Quote) [1664] < (in obi wan voice) "these are not the implants your looking for" seriosly tho i just downloaded it. pvp anyone?muahahhhaaaa
  • ^ And i suppose on EVE you are some kind of trader huh? [11] can you be swayed? are you leaning in my general direction? or did your leg just fall off it amazes me that us from CF arent all in the same corporation in EVE. Well as been said before, never trust anyone, how do i know you didnt poison the eyepatch implants? well, been reading the monster manual, to be honest theres a lot of rules that i dont agree with, and i think a lot of people complaining about nothing. for example, loosing a 1…
  • ah this is really good, thanks for the tips. so real pirating is possible after all. hmmm, i will try find some time over this weekend to get up and running. yeah see your point on the ships losses. never gamble what you cant afford to lose is a famous quote by someone.